After an extremely busy couple of weeks, and along with the recent expansion of our team and list of clients, Calvermont has moved into a new office in the centre of Tunbridge Wells. This is as part of our wider commitment to go Carbon Neutral, in an aim to reduce our Carbon footprint and make a positive impact on both our local environment and community .
Encouraging statistics released by Carbon Brief, states that the UK is now halfway to meeting its target of “net-zero” emissions by 2050. Using the BEE, Brand Emissions Estimator, with Climate Neutral, we are taking responsibility for our personal carbon emissions as part of a continued effort to reduce them over time.
For us, business is more than just retaining an income, and we strive to make a positive impact on both a personal and a local level. Both living and working in Tunbridge Wells, we feel it is our responsibility to make wiser and more environmentally friendly choices and decisions.
In recent years, the environment has increasingly become a priority for many, and as we are all learning, small changes in our lifestyle can make a big impact.
The central location of our new office means that we can now walk to work rather than traveling by car. Furthermore, if we are travelling elsewhere, there are plenty of available bus links and a short walk to the train station, further reducing the need to use our cars to travel.
In 2019, carbon emissions of UK transport equated to 27%, with 91% of road vehicles making up the majority of this percentage. By changing the way we travel to work, it is one of the most effective ways to ensure the reduction of our carbon emissions as individuals and as a company.
Additionally, with all the environmental positives of alternative ways to travel to work, there are increased mental and physical benefits too. It enables us to exercise and actively encourages us to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors. This positive environmental and lifestyle change will both help improve our mental health and well as our physical health.
One of the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic that benefitted the environment was hybrid working. Working at home was made a necessity and became more accessible. With many now able to go back into offices, a lot of individuals are choosing to split their time between working at home and in the office. Again, this is reducing the need to travel to work, and also allowing individuals to spend more time to juggle other commitments, such as family life and child-care. Calvermont have enabled this type of flexible working for our employees, in another effort to reduce our carbon footprint and enhance employee wellbeing.
Calvermont are proud to be consciously making changes and decisions that will positively impact the environment, as well as our wellbeing and lifestyle.